Holy Moments

Lately, I’ve been thinking about Holy Moments. Friend, do you know what I mean when I say Holy Moment? It’s usually a brief instance in which you know God is doing something. You know because you undoubtedly feel Him or even hear Him. In these moments, there is no denying that the Holy Spirit is at work and that something is stirring - either in your own spirit, or maybe your community or maybe in your relationships. 

I’ve had Holy Moments while sitting around a bonfire with close friends, sharing our fears for the future. I had a Holy Moment at 7 am on a Monday at Starbucks, on my first date with my now husband. I had a Holy Moment in an airport while waiting to board the plane to my first mission trip to Jamaica. I felt and heard God in each of these moments and was encouraged by his presence to keep pursuing him. 

But, here’s the thing. It’s easier to hear and feel God when you put in the work to learn what he sounds like. It sounds mystical and even a little crazy, but God wants to communicate with us. He wants to teach us how to be more like Him, He wants to comfort us when we are hurting, He wants to celebrate with us when we are joyful - and the more you learn about God and the more you spend time worshiping and praying to Him, the better you’ll be at knowing His voice. 

Holy Moments can happen every day. We just need to know how to hear God in the midst of our lives. 

Join us at BASIC on Thursdays, jump into a Life Group, or just reach out to one of our BASIC team members if you’d like to learn more about connecting with God.

by Andrea DeCook, Director for College and Young Adult Ministry at Orchard Hill Church


BASIC is back at Orchard Hill Church this Thursday at 8 p.m. and we will be starting a new series called Kingdom. In this series, we want you to understand and participate in God’s upside-down, now-and-not-yet Kingdom as it is described in the teachings of Jesus.

Life Groups are small groups that meet together weekly to learn about Jesus, hang out, play games, and eat food. Having people you can count on and space you can be free to ask questions and explore your faith together is important. While Life Groups get together weekly, there’s no limit to where the relationships formed grow from there. Sign Up HERE.

Are you around the Cedar Valley this Labor Day? Join us at Nazareth Lutheran Church to hear Kristin Sauerbrei give a message and then stick around for free lunch!

You won’t want to miss our After BASIC hangout on September 8th! We will have a cornhole tournament with prizes and plenty of FREE wings from Buffalo Wild Wings. We can’t wait to see you there!


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